Operator of this web site is brass band "Božejáci".
Studio Erigo offers full services at trade design and internet solutions.
These web sites are made in accordance with Czech web accessibility guidelines (Department of informatics of the Czech republic) and with the methodology WCAG 1.0. By editing of these Web sites we had a respect to the methodology "Dive into accessibility".
The content of the web sites is structured through the use of XHTML, the visual aspects are made through the use of CSS. Generally are the web sites run by content management system TYPO3 CMS.
The trade-marks on these web sites are registered or unregistered trade-marks of their legal owners.
Phone: | +420 720 584 084 |
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Milí fanoušci, přátelé a milovníci dechové muziky, máme pro vás ještě jedno zvláštní přání na...
Naše kapela se sešla na vánočním večírku u Pavla Skalníka a mimo dobré nálady, výborného jídla a...
20:00 - 02:00
20:00 - 02:00
20:00 - 02:00