The band | Present

At present the bandleader is Pavel Skalník, the trumpetist. Despite the date of its foundation the band is young in age, the average age of the members is 30 years.
It is interesting that no one member lives in Božejov now.
The band BOŽEJÁCI plays at balls, parties, concerts and festivals not only in the South Bohemia but around the Czech Republic as well.
Contemporary repertoire consists of compositions of all genres, brass music and popular songs adapted for a brass band.
The band organized a tour of concerts with highly popular Czech singer of traditional songs Josef Zíma in churches across South Bohemia.

The band cooperated with Josef Zíma, the very popular Czech singer, and performed with him some very successful performances.
Concerning the fact that BOŽEJÁCI is the oldest fire brigade brass band in the Czech Republic, they do not forget to cooperate with the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic and they help to organize the National Meeting of Fire Brigade Brass Bands which is held annualy in August and takes place in Pelhřimov.
Contemporary repertoire consists of compositions of all genres, brass music and popular songs adapted for a brass band.

Some sound samples




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